Listing Services

Designed to help you secure more business and provide a higher level of service to your clients.

  • Reduce or eliminate the need for an assistant (many of our agents have streamlined their businesses like this)
  • Keeps you focused on listing and selling, not worrying about the details
  • Our Marketing Assistant provides services that agents typically don’t have time to do efficiently
  • Provide clients with a consistently high level of quality service in a very cost effective “Success Based” system

Services Provided by the Listing Service Center

  • Thank you note to seller
  • Referral source thank you letter
  • Order home warranty when needed
  • Highlight sheets mailed to seller
  • Just Listed postcards sent to neighborhood or mailing list
  • Order and place legal description, deed and tax map in file
  • Upload photos to MLS
  • Upload virtual tour, or create tour slideshow
  • Copy of listing contract, SDS, Consumer Notice and MLS printout mailed to seller
  • Mail price change or extension, on request to seller with self-addressed stamped envelope, and track its return
  • Setup Seller’s Report emails
  • Facebook posts
  • Just Sold postcards after deal settles

Listing Services is a success based fee. That’s right, you pay only if you get paid! Where else can you get service like that?

Amy Stevenson
Amy Stevenson
Marketing Assistant

Assists agents in the marketing of their listings by creating highlight sheets, postcards, webpages, and more.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9